“Survive & Thrive” A Writing Opportunity!
Greeting Stewards,
We hope that you enjoyed your summer and that the beginning of fall is treating you well! The end of September is upon us already and the weather is starting to finally cool in Minnesota.
Today, we have an exciting opportunity for all who are interested in sharing the stories you have created in our forums. David Beard, a faculty member at University of Minnesota - Duluth and PAHS 2021 symposium attendee, is an editor with a medical humanities journal called Survive & Thrive, and he has reached out to us with this message:
We'd like to invite you to submit works developed in the PAHS workshops on healthcare stewardship to Survive and Thrive.
We have a call for papers for submissions about voices not yet heard, below, which might inspire you. If not, we always accept papers, poems, art, and nonfiction narrative in the areas of medical humanities and narrative medicine, published on a once-a-year basis.
We are a small journal with a big readership, and we look forward to sharing the fruits of the PAHS stewardship project with the world.
Survive & Thrive’s Readership
For more information on Survive and Thrive and the submission process/details please follow this link.
If you have questions about this opportunity, please feel free to reach out to us or to David via the Survive & Thrive contact form. We are also in conversation with Survive & Thrive about a specially curated special section of the journal devoted to PAHS submissions. We’ll share more details on that collaboration as it develops.
As always, PAHS is still recruiting for our Uncertain Together 2022 Forum Series! More information and dates of our forums can be found on our Forum Page. To register for our forums, please use the button down below. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at steward@umn.edu.