Our History
PAHS was founded in 2018 at the University of Minnesota in order to bring together patients, clinicians, and policymakers, and researchers. The project emerged organically from the work of our sister-organization, the Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC), and the fertile ground of the UMN School of Public Health. The School of Public Health has been engaged with the “grand challenges” for a very long time, and the ecology of the US healthcare system is certainly among those challenges. The MN EPC, a collaborative venture between the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis Veteran’s Administration Health Care System, is one of thirteen such centers funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to synthesize evidence to improve quality and effectiveness in health care. The Project for Health Stewardship represents a natural evolution of the EPC’s focus on evidence-based medicine and the SPH’s broader interest in the overarching questions affecting healthcare today.
Our work is currently funded by the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Advanced Studies.