COVID-19: Keeping Connections

Greeting Stewards!

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way that we view our lives and work in this world. As countries and communities had to lock down to keep the pandemic controlled, we experienced unprecedented disconnection. However, and maybe paradoxically, technology has connected us more than ever—from social media platforms like Twitter reporting news from other countries in real time to our use of Zoom to attend meetings and classes. Likewise, telehealth has skyrocketed, allowing patients to see their providers from the comfort (and safety) of home.

A recent article from Employee Benefit News introduces an app called Eden, which focuses on telehealth services. However, Eden not only includes typical primary doctors but also specialists, physical therapists, psychiatrists, and insurance experts. Those who run the app have found it to be very successful, especially because it helps keep providers connected to their patients. “What differentiates Eden from other virtual care practices is providing both virtual and in-person care. The option of accessing in-person care is complementary to the high-quality care our members receive virtually for concerns that can be resolved over the app,” say the developers. 

Everywhere we turn, we see the importance of building and maintaining connection. We need human connections! And we need those connections even more important during times of hardship and uncertainty.  It makes me glad that making connections can still happen during the pandemic!

On behalf of the PAHS Team,





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